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Feature Friday: ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile

August 23rd, 2019 Stephanie Dang

Prospects spent an hour watching your webinar, answering polls and downloading your resources. They even turned to your Engagement Hub to read up on a new white paper. But, while click-and-view data is helpful, marketers need in-depth audience engagement data, both quantifiable and qualifiable, to truly optimize programs and enable a better understanding of targeted audiences.

With the ON24 Prospect Engagement Profile, audience engagement i s turned into actionable insights. With the needed intelligence from the profiles and a better understanding of lead activity and interest, marketers can effectively deliver insights to sales teams. Doing so accelerates the sales cycle and better aligns marketing and sales teams.

The Prospect Engagement Profile shows you how engaged a prospect is and how much time that prospect has spent viewing your content. To augment these profiles, we added more functionality to make it even more robust and actionable.

The new Recommended Content tile offers suggestions on more content that might interest the lead in question. Sales reps can also easily select and email that content directly to the contact. We’ve also introduced a new Content Journey where users can track which content a prospect is engaging with and when.

With Salesforce integration, the profiles can easily be embedded right in contact and lead records. Sales reps can view engagement activity without ever needing to leave Salesforce, remaining informed and experiencing meaningful conversations with prospects and customers.

If you’d like to learn more about ON24 Intelligence, PEP and all the actionable insights that drive demand, inform sales and optimize programs, please contact us. If you’re an ON24 customer, learn more about PEP in the Knowledge Center.