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Insight50: Takeaways From Our Scrappy Marketing Session

August 14th, 2019 Andrew Warren-Payne

June’s Insight50 session was on driving results with scrappy marketing – where we provided fellow Webinerds with 50 minutes of expert insight and answered the questions about your scrappy marketing.

Below is just a brief wrap up of insights from Marc Hansen at Workfront, Nick Melton at Verint, Simon Hurrell at The Croc – and of course, you the viewers! If you didn’t manage to see it, view it on-demand here.

Nearly all (91%) of this session’s attendees said they are feeling at least some pressure to deliver more results with fewer resources. That’s one area in which scrappy marketing can help — getting a campaign out quickly, with fewer resources, so you can see the results quickly and make necessary changes right away.

So, what insights did the panel members have to help marketers run their own scrappy campaigns? Here are just a few points they shared.

Why Should Marketers Get Scrappy?

Getting your marketing out there quickly and, perhaps, less perfectly has its advantages. Audience members said they are seeing reduced costs, more content and campaigns being launched and faster learning from their scrappy marketing campaigns.

For Marc’s organization, the emphasis is on getting more done, with fewer resources in order to get results faster.

“With my team, we try to enable a culture where it’s fail fast, right. We want to get more done. We’re being asked to deliver more with fewer resources. So, how do we move the needle for the business in the most effective way? It comes back to scrappy marketing, right? What are the things we can do to repurpose content, get more out of the assets we create and generate more responses and qualified pipeline for our businesses?”

While scrappy marketing is a go-to strategy for start-ups, larger organizations can benefit from the practice, as well – a point covered in our blog series where we discussed how to get your team to buy-in to scrappy marketing. Simon spoke about how large businesses can use scrappy marketing to test out changes they wish to undertake:

“For large organizations, it comes down to really wanting to change the culture within that organization. A lot of our clients are really ambitious with wanting to change, not only how its teams execute, but how the organization sees the value of markets or the bottom line. And scrappy gives us the ability to quickly test ideas and bring them to market without necessarily having a fully-fledged strategy that’s taken three or four months to build out with the right data and insights.”

You Need Data to Be Scrappy

The majority of webinar attendees say they assess the results of their campaigns as they come in or on a fixed schedule. Regardless of when marketers are looking at their data, the important thing is they are accessing it and looking for insights. According to Simon, you need data to do scrappy marketing properly.

“If we haven’t got data, we can’t work quickly. To do that, you need to have an agreement about what you want to measure at the beginning of your adoption for this methodology and making sure you’re then just refining and adding to that as it goes through.”

Indeed, there are many data points you can use to measure your webinar’s success. Nick’s has found that his organization has benefited from webinars in their scrappy campaigns because of the data they bring in, not to mention the continued benefits of the on-demand feature webinars provide.

“I can’t speak highly enough about what on-demand gives us. Coming back to that concept of repackaging and not being afraid to go back and use a webinar that’s six months old because the content is still going to be relevant.”

Three Quick Takeaways

After covering a lot of ground about being scrappy with your marketing, the panel ended with a few words of wisdom.

Marc focused on content and finding ways to make the most of what you have.

“I think it comes back to repurposing content and or different campaigns. I would think through what are the little things I can do to get more mileage out of this piece of content or this campaign, whether it’s a webinar or a white paper or an event. There are lots of ways to leverage content to generate more leads.”

Additionally, Simon reminded us that, to do scrappy marketing properly, it’s important to focus on a specific audience instead of trying to engage an array of stakeholders.

“Focus on one particular audience, really understand how you can engage them, what type of value add you want to bring to that particular engagement and how you want to move them forward. Don’t think about trying to cover every single scenario, in every single channel, focus on the channel where your audiences are and then make sure you will find something of value to give to them.”

Speaking more specifically about the international market he works in, Nick referred to something important that we learned just a couple of months ago from our Insight50 Simplifying International Marketing webinar and holds true when it comes to getting content out there quickly:

“In an ideal world, you would translate everything into French, Spanish, German, but the reality is, that’s not going to happen. So, don’t be afraid to have the end and assets in English, but make sure the email or the landing page is done in the local language.”

Hear more on our Insight 50 session

The quotes above are just a small sample of what was discussed and answered on June’s Insight 50 session. Make sure to register to watch on-demand and find out how your organization can take advantage of scrappy marketing.