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Jack’s Hacks: Running Video Only Webinars

June 5th, 2020 Jack Wildt

This topic is near and dear to my heart. Slides. Do we need them? Absolutely not.

We have been thinking about webinar formats a lot lately, and one thing that we consistently come back to is video-only webinars. Slideless webinars — what a thought.

A few weeks back we decided to take the leap, and put together a very exciting video-only webinar called “MINDSHIFT.” The feedback we received was extremely positive, and we will definitely be revisiting this format more in the future!

Here are the benefits of video only webinars:

  1. They stand out. Whether presenting or watching, we have all participated in a million webinars with a presenter going over slides. With the increased reliance on webinars due to COVID-19 standing out is more important than ever.
  2. Console real estate. Nixing the slide widget allows more room for the media player and makes the video front and center.
  3. Higher production value. With the time and effort taken off of creating a deck, energy can be focused on really upping the quality of the video that will be playing during the webinar.

Here’s the best part: they’re super-easy to do. All you have to do is disable the slide widget. That’s it. As always, have fun and get creative!