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Personalization in B2B Gets Major Boost with ON24, 6Sense Integration

August 1st, 2024 Gabriella Kose

In today’s competitive B2B landscape, personalization isn’t just a buzzword — it’s a critical driver of sales and marketing success. Recent ON24 global benchmarks highlight this trend, revealing that personalized experiences significantly outperform generic approaches in engagement and conversion rates. 

However, many B2B marketers struggle to implement effective personalization strategies due to time constraints, limited resources and the sheer complexity of scaling personalized content across diverse audience segments. To help companies deliver personalization at scale, ON24 released a new integration with 6sense, a global leader using AI to help B2B marketing and sales teams create, manage and convert pipeline to revenue.

New Capabilities for B2B Marketers

Male talking into laptop

The integration of 6sense intent data with the ON24 Intelligent Engagement Platform will help marketers deliver: 

    • Integrated ABM strategy: Activate account-based marketing across digital channels, including webinars, virtual events and content hubs.
    • Dynamic audience segmentation: Create high-priority audience segments using a combination of ON24 engagement data and 6sense’s intent signals.
    • Hyper-personalized experiences at scale: Deliver targeted interactions and tailored content to unique audience segments across all ON24 experiences.
    • Orchestrated buyer journeys: Build interconnected content journeys that become more personalized as engagement and buying intent increase.
    • Improved targeting, lead quality and conversion: Serve the right calls-to-action and content to the right accounts at the optimal time.

Overcoming B2B Personalization Challenges

Worker looking at a laptop.

This integration addresses several key challenges B2B marketers face when implementing personalization:

    • Time and resource constraints: The AI-powered capabilities automate many aspects of personalization, reducing the manual workload on marketing teams.
    • Data silos: By combining first-party engagement data and third-party intent data, marketers gain a more comprehensive view of their audience.
    • Scalability issues: The integration allows for personalization at scale, something that was previously difficult to achieve manually.
    • Content relevance: Dynamic segmentation and targeting ensure that content remains relevant to each audience segment.

As B2B buying processes continue to evolve, the ability to deliver personalized, relevant experiences at scale will become increasingly crucial. The ON24 and 6sense integration enables businesses to meet this challenge head-on. By leveraging the combined power of the ON24 Intelligent Engagement Platform and 6sense’s intent data, B2B marketers can now create more targeted, effective and efficient marketing campaigns.

To learn more about how you can leverage the ON24 and 6sense integration to supercharge your B2B marketing efforts, visit ON24 for detailed information.