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Three Key Tips on Making Your Events Evergreen

March 26th, 2020 Andrew Warren-Payne

For ON24’s next Insight50 session, we’ll discuss ‘How to Make Events Evergreen Digital Experiences’. Sign up for the session to get all the top tips.

There are often times when in-person events are simply not possible – particularly with the issues going on in the world in 2020.

Similarly, with all the investment and effort that does go into in-person events, it makes sense to get the most out of them by creating always-on digital experiences that your audience can dive into long after such events are over.

But how should you do this? Ahead of this month’s Insight50 session, here are a few suggestions.

Record your events and break them up into bite-size pieces

If you’re running an in-person event, whether it’s just a single talk or a multi-day multi-stream extravaganza, taking video recordings can help share the knowledge in the room with a wider audience over a longer period of time.

That being said, it’s unlikely that someone can take time out of their busy day to watch absolutely everything.

To improve the post-event digital experience, break down your recordings into key highlights that focus on the important details with a long shelf life. This increases the chance that your audience will consume several recordings, as they will all be high-value and easy to fit into their schedule.

Look to drive interactivity during the live sessions and as part of the digital experience

Whether they are sitting in an auditorium or watching from their desk at home, providing interactive elements and sharing data can help lift the quality of any session.

Take polls, surveys and questions during both the live event and as part of the always-on experience. Share these results with the audience so they know where they sit.

These engagement tools can both help keep your audience interested and also help you to collect valuable data on what they want to hear.

Bring additional resources into the digital experience

When speakers and panelists refer to interesting content, examples and case studies that they have seen in their work during in-person events, you’ll often see a good share of the audience quickly scribble down a note to look that up when they get back to the office.

The great thing about digital experiences is that you can save them time by embedding or linking to these assets while they watch the presentation. This helps to make the digital experience even more valuable, as well as giving you the opportunity to see which of the viewers are the most engaged and interested.

Find out more tips about making your events evergreen

Whether you’re looking to get the most value out of previous in-person events, or want to stretch the impact of your webinars, make sure to sign up to this Insight50 session on ‘How to Make Events Evergreen Digital Experiences’.