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Three Trends Fueling HCP Engagement Today

May 18th, 2023 Cheri Hulse

Knowing what content audiences like, how they engage with our brand and what topics interest them the most is crucial to nurturing and developing both pipeline and relationships. 

But audience preferences have changed and tactics must be established to reconnect with them. Marketers must revisit how they engage with prospects and customers on a fundamental level. 

This readjustment is even more critical for life sciences and pharmaceutical companies because of the nature of the content shared with HCPs and their busy calendars.

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While ON24 looks at this in-depth way for audience behavior during digital experiences, there is also great research in the market about the state of HCP experience. DT Consulting, a division/segment of Indegene, recently published “The State Of Customer Experience In The Global Pharmaceutical Industry, 2022: HCP Interactions.”

This report has a wealth of information, but there are a few key takeaways from my research point of view that you should know about. They are: 

HCPs prefer engaging digital channels


DT Consulting found that HCPs don’t prioritize digital channels without engagement opportunities. The report states, “Channels that only have a digital element, like websites, mobile apps, and online video, are among the lowest ranked.” This isn’t surprising; an overall trend ON24 has seen is that engagement in digital experiences continues to rise in the life sciences market. This research validates that digital, without engagement, would be overlooked or less preferred channels from HCPs.

Prioritize interactions with HCPs

Person on a call looking at a laptop.

The survey found that HCPs don’t want to hear from pharmaceutical companies more than twice a month, with 80% of respondents selecting this option. Pharmaceutical companies must prioritize those interactions and consider including as much engagement and content in these experiences as possible. 

Pandemic pivot is rebalancing

Man on a bench on his phone.

Finally, the research shows that the mix of interactions that HCPs prefer is rebalancing following the height of COVID restrictions. With ON24 seeing engagement rates and re-viewing rates for digital experience content at an all-time high in 2022, companies able to differentiate through digital experiences and webinars will be rewarded with HCP engagement. This is an opportunity for pharmaceuticals to strategically evaluate digital engagement and ensure it is intertwined with other interaction methods.

What does this all mean for the pharmaceutical marketer? ON24 is partnering with DT Consulting to share its insights with pharmaceutical companies in an upcoming webinar. Click here to register.

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