Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

Cequence Security Boosts Pipeline with ON24 Data

Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

How Cequence Security used ON24 engagement data to drive millions in pipeline

  • Millions

    in pipeline influenced

  • Thousands

    of leads sourced

  • 40%

    increase in attendee conversion



Use Cases

Number of Employees

  • 0 to 250


As a growing startup, Cequence uses the ON24 Platform to connect with customers and prospects, grow the business and showcase the company’s cyber security capabilities. The team has created several webinar series on various topics to educate customers, provide expert advice on getting the most out of the company’s service and building relationships with prospective customers who could benefit from the company’s technology.


Prior to partnering with ON24, Cequence’s webinar program was not a priority and often had low participants and attendee rate. With three to four webinars per year, the webinar platform they used was sufficient for Cequence’s needs, at the time.

This all changed when Cequence’s Vice President of Demand Generation, Linda Sim, joined the team and was tasked with reevaluating the company’s webinar software. Her goal? To craft a webinar program that would both support demand generation and build pipeline. To realize this objective, Sim required a new, more robust platform capable of taking her webinar program where it needed to go.

ON24 fit all of Cequence’s needs. As industries across the globe shifted from physical event to virtual experiences in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the company signed up and got to work on its new webinar program.

“ON24 is a robust tool that supports the needs of fast-growing startups to build and scale their webinar program generating pipeline resulting in revenue.”

Linda Sim, Vice President of Demand Generation


In the time since switching to the ON24 Platform, Cequence’s webinar program has grown significantly. The company now hosts one to two webinars per month and has hosted over 100+ webinars globally.

“The ON24 Platform is easy to use for the producer and the audience. The tool offers engagement widgets that allow marketers to track the audiences intent signals” said Sim.

Sim and her team leverage ON24’s engagement tools, including the media player, slides, survey, speaker bio, Q&A, resource list and CTAs to book meetings and schedule demos.

“We run a survey for every single webinar. Surveys are key to our success because it gives us insights on the prospects and where they are in the funnel,” said Sim.

In addition to surveys, the Cequence team has also integrated ON24 with Marketo and Salesforce so registrant and participant data is easily managed and tracked. This makes it much easier for the sales team to access the data they need to identify ready-to- buy leads and make warmer sales introductions.

As an international company, Cequence also creates webinars targeted to its international customers with multiple live and simulive airing options for various time zones. The company also leverages ON24’s on-demand functionality so prospects and customers can “binge” on relevant content anytime, anywhere.


Cequence’s top webinar this year was part of its “Eye on API” series which more than over 1,000 registrants and a 40% attendee conversion rate. The company’s post-event survey garnered more than 300 responses and a 75% attendee participation.

Cequence’s webinar program regularly attracts hundreds of registrants and generates thousands of leads for the company. Since revamping its webinar program and joining ON24, the team’s webinars have produced thousands of leads and millions of dollars in webinar influenced pipeline.

"With ON24, we have been able to increase our average attendee conversion rate by 40%, influence millions of dollars in pipeline and drive thousands of leads. In addition, the integration with Marketo and Salesforce makes it easy for our sales team to take immediate action."

Varun Kohl, Chief Marketing Officer

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