Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

Red Whale | Case Study | ON24

Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

Red Whale offers face-to-face training alternatives, sees 100% increase in digital engagement

  • 170%

    Increase in audience reach with on-demand, self-service training compared to live training only

  • 20,000+

    Webinar registrations—an increase over face-to-face events

  • 97%

    Of audience members say they would sign up for future Red Whale webinars



Number of Employees

  • 0 to 250


Red Whale delivers in-person and online courses for general physicians, practice nurses, pharmacists and other medical professionals throughout the United Kingdom. The company’s courses help bring practitioners up to speed on the latest issues, literature, research and guidelines in general practice. Red Whale’s courses are the only ones of its kind to be completely free from pharmaceutical company sponsorship.


Customers are at the heart of Red Whale’s business, and due to high customer demand for digital learning, the company has embarked on a digital transformation, providing its customers with an ever increasing range of webinars and high-quality online alternatives to face-to-face courses that are available to watch 24/7.

Red Whale’s continuing professional development (CPD) education is relevant, challenging and fun—and it helps improve patient care. Red Whale’s courses are designed to enable medical professionals to meet appraisal and revalidation requirements.

The organization needed a scalable technology solution to help improve the customer learning experience and to continue to deliver medical content in an engaging, compelling way, using humour to discuss challenging topics.


Keeping pace with evolving customer preferences

The needs of Red Whale’s customers have changed due to recruitment and workload pressures in the primary care field. Feedback shows that customers, particularly digital-native trainees, want to use digital learning to stay up to date with the latest evidence and guidance in primary care.

In response to these industry trends, Red Whale needed to shift its business away from face-to-face courses to online lessons while maintaining its brand values. To do this, the company created a digital team to tackle the complexities of moving content designed for face-to- face audiences to an online, on-demand platform.

Red Whale required a technology solution to help transform the delivery of its education products to a 24-hour, anytime, anywhere offering by embracing digital tools. The course material needed to be entertaining (without compromising the content) to ensure attendees remained engaged throughout, which can be a challenge due to the complex subject matter.

"With ON24, setting up and running webinars is seamless. There are excellent engagement tools available during webinars, as well as analytics and reporting tools".

Kelly Leigh, Digital Delivery Manager


Delivering engaging, relevant medical education at scale

Red Whale chose the ON24® platform for several reasons. The solution is easy to set up and use, it offers customizable branding options and it has robust engagement functionality, such as a survey tool and a call- to-action engagement tool to promote upcoming webinars.

“ON24 really supports our philosophy of engaging the customer,” said Kelly Leigh, Digital Delivery Manager at Red Whale. “The solution can cope with the large number of users we want, and it’s web-based, versus some solutions that require users to download an app.”

Red Whale uses ON24 to deliver creative, engaging, serialized content with interactive features that showcase the benefits of online learning. The company uses ON24 Webcast Elite to run live and on-demand webinars and online courses. The latter are great for busy GPs who can choose to watch them in one go when they have the time or over several sessions.

In its Deep Dives webinar series, Red Whale incorporates interactive content, micro-learning, state-of-the-practice handbooks and access to experts, which keeps attendees coming back. Webinars enable the organization to deliver the latest medical evidence to a wide range of primary care practitioners quickly, and allow customers to dig deeper into topics beyond what is covered in a face-to-face course.

Audience feedback is paramount to Red Whale, and at the end of each webinar the company uses an automated survey to generate feedback from the audience to improve its offerings. Here is a survey example:

Red Whale also uses ON24 Connect to integrate behavioral data from the ON24 platform across the company’s other marketing, sales and business applications. In addition, the organization uses ON24 Intelligence to track and analyze engagement at the individual and account level.


With digital experiences powered by ON24, Red Whale has stayed true to offering relevant, challenging and humour-rich medical education. Red Whale’s Deep Dives webinar series offers over 35 bingeable sessions, and the company’s total webinar registrations now sit at 20,000—an increase over face-to-face events.

On-demand, self-service training has enabled Red Whale to increase its audience reach by 170% compared to live webinars only. And, the webinar content is striking a chord with viewers. Red Whale has seen a 100% increase in engagement since its first webinar to date, because it has leveraged the ON24 engagement tools to enhance the content. The company’s highest webinar engagement score to date is 8.4, well above the industry benchmark of 4.1. In addition, Red Whale’s webinar strategy is driving conversions, with an average webinar attendee conversion rate of 71%, also above the industry standard of 60%.

Webinars enable Red Whale’s customers to access evidence-based teaching that is highly relevant to everyday practice and packed with actionable advice. Ninety-seven percent of audience members say they would sign up for future Red Whale webinars, and 94% say they would recommend the webinar program to another GP.

With ON24, Red Whale continues to inspire medical professionals, leading to positive change in practice while ensuring that the entire learning experience is fun.

"ON24 has extensive functionality and really supports our philosophy of engaging the customer. The solution can cope with the large number of users we want to have, and it’s web-based, versus some solutions that require users to download an app to access the system".

Kelly Leigh, Digital Delivery Manager