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Human rights policy

Human rights statement

Respect for human rights is a fundamental value of ON24, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, “ON24”). We are committed to promoting human rights in line with the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This Human Rights Policy (“Policy”) explains our commitment to human rights and the steps we take to help realize this vision.

If we were to identify adverse human rights impacts resulting from or caused by our business activities, we are committed to providing for, or assisting in providing for, equitable remediation. We also expect our partners, vendors and suppliers to honor these principles in their business operations. This Policy is global and applies to all ON24 operations, regardless of geographic location, and all subsidiaries. The Head of Legal and Head of HR are responsible for overseeing and ensuring adherence to this policy.

Forced labor and human trafficking

We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor and slavery and any form of human trafficking. We take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure that neither we nor our suppliers use labor sources that would be in violation of applicable laws, including but not limited to the UK Modern Slavery Act. These steps include:

  • Verifying the right of each employee to work in accordance with applicable law
  • Complying with all wage and hour requirements
  • Implementing and enforcing a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics with ON24 employees that requires compliance with applicable laws

For more information. please see our Modern Slavery Statement.

Child labor

We comply with local minimum age laws and requirements and do not employ child labor.

Safe and healthy workplace

The safety and health of our employees is of paramount importance, and we are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free of recognized hazards and free from violence, harassment, and other forms of intimidation. Our policy is to provide a safe and healthy workplace in our offices globally and comply with applicable safety and health laws and regulations, as well as our internal requirements.  All employees receive training on workplace health and safety and on harassment and discrimination prevention.

Right to privacy

ON24 is committed to protecting privacy rights. As part of this commitment, we maintain rigorous data security standards to ensure that the information we are entrusted with (including that of our employees and clients) is appropriately protected. We also promote data transparency and control by helping individuals access, delete, or correct personal information we may maintain about them through data subject access requests. ON24 is committed to complying with applicable global data protection and privacy laws to protect confidential information (including personal information or personal data) that is entrusted to us. You can read more about our privacy practices by visiting our Privacy Center.

Fair, living wages

ON24 is committed to providing fair, living wages to all of its employees. ON24 is committed to complying with applicable wage and hour laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours, and other elements of compensation. We recognize that compensation, benefits and labor laws vary across each country where we operate. We are committed to complying with all relevant local laws, as well as providing all legally required benefits to our employees.

Diversity and inclusion

At ON24, diversity is celebrated and recognized as an integral part of our culture as a company. We are committed to equal opportunity and are intolerant of discrimination and harassment. We strive to maintain work environments that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law. We commit to respecting our employees’ freedom of expression. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation and advancement at ON24 is qualifications, performance, skills and experience. We do not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind. Harassment is not tolerated in the work environment and in any work-related situations outside the work environment.

Conflict minerals

Electronic products contain various minerals necessary for functionality. Because of concerns about the mining and sale of these minerals contributing to armed conflict and human rights abuses, these minerals are sometimes known as “conflict minerals.” Due to the nature of our business, ON24 does not in any way utilize conflict minerals to manufacture (or contract to manufacture) any goods.


ON24 recognizes that the right to water is a fundamental human right.

Political spending

We respect the rights of our employees to hold different political viewpoints. We encourage our employees to support their political party affiliation, candidates of their choice, and voting in local, state, and national elections. As a company, however, ON24 does not financially support or endorse any political party or candidate (either directly or through a political action committee).

Freedom of association

We respect freedom of association and our employees’ right to join, or not to join, third party organizations such as labor unions or other lawful organization of their own selection, along with the right to bargain or not bargain collectively, in accordance with local laws, without fear of reprisal, intimidation, or harassment. We are committed to fostering open communication between all of our employees and managers, regardless of whether they are in unions, and providing our employees with appropriate access to grievance mechanisms and remedial action

Reporting & grievance processes

ON24 has established a procedure under which complaints regarding violations of human rights matters may be reported. In the event you believe a violation of this Policy, or a violation of applicable laws and/or governmental regulations, has occurred, or you have observed or become aware of conduct which appears to be contrary to this Policy, we recommend immediately reporting the situation to your supervisor. Supervisors who receive any report of a suspected violation will report the matter to the Compliance Officer.

If you wish to report any such matters anonymously or confidentially, then you may do so by following the procedure outlined in the ON24 Code of Business Conduct & Ethics.

Last reviewed: August 2024