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Meet ON24: Star Bazella, Senior Digital Marketing Manager

June 28th, 2024 Michael Mayday

Meet Star Bazella, Senior Digital Marketing Manager at ON24. Read on to find out what inspired Star to join ON24 and what her dream travel destination is!

Meet ON24: Star Bazella, Senior Digital Marketing Manager

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What team are you joining, in what role and in what region?

I am joining the Demand Generation team as the Senior Digital Marketing Manager, based in the North America region.

What attracted you to join ON24 and how did you hear about the company?

I was attracted to ON24 because of its reputation as a leader in digital marketing and innovative events. This role perfectly aligns with my experience and interests in digital marketing, especially my passion for Paid Media and SEO. I heard about ON24 through industry networks and colleagues who praised its innovative solutions and positive work culture.

What are you looking forward to most about joining ON24?

I am most looking forward to working with a team that is passionate about leveraging technology to transform marketing and engagement strategies. I am also excited to contribute to the company’s growth and to continue applying and developing my skills in a cutting-edge, dynamic environment.

What is your favorite hobby outside of work?

My favorite hobby outside of work these days revolves around my children. This involves chauffeuring them to their baseball tournaments and tennis matches like a dedicated sports mom. When we’re not on the move, I’m introducing them to movies I’ve seen a million times, enjoying in their fresh takes, and engaging in epic Magic the Gathering battles. It’s not your run-of-the-mill hobby, but it’s a blast and a half, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

You are going to dinner and you can bring three people, who would they be (dead or alive)

I would bring my late Grandma Evie, my role model as a mother and a trailblazing professional woman in advertising, which was rare for her generation. I’d also bring my late father, Mike, my biggest cheerleader who taught me to think outside the box, take risks, embrace failure, and stay weird. And lastly, I’d invite Jack White from the White Stripes because I have such a crush on him and would love to just sit there, gazing dreamily at him while trying to act cool.

What is your dream travel destination?

My dream travel destination isn’t quite a dream because I’ve visited before, but Costa Rica is one of my favorite places. I adore it so much that I’d love to retire there and spend the rest of my life soaking up the sun and living the Pura Vida way of life.

What is the last song or podcast played on your phone?

The last song I listened to on my phone was “Cities in the Dust” by Siouxsie and the Banshees. I have a pretty eclectic taste in music and can go from opera to Metallica in the same day.

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

People might be surprised to know that I grew up traveling with the Renaissance Festival. My dad had a 40+ year career managing two booths—one serving Tempura and the other crafting leather goods like belts and wallets.