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TAFE Queensland | Case Study | ON24

Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

How TAFE Queensland drives student enrollment with ON24


Use Cases


Established in 1882, TAFE Queensland is one of Queensland’s largest education providers with 120,000+ students trained each year[1] across the state, nationally and internationally.


With more college searches than ever taking place exclusively online, the team at TAFE Queensland needed a new way to train educational agents, recruit prospective students and keep their brand relevant in a digital world.


The team at TAFE Queensland had always relied on in-person events and workshops to support their student recruitment goals.

But, with more undergraduates searching for colleges exclusively online, the team knew they needed to reevaluate their approach and make changes to ensure they were reaching prospective students, wherever they may be.

“We had to change, we had to move,” said Martin Lock, Manager – International Student Engagement, TAFE Queensland International Education.

Martin went in search of a solution that would help the team:

  • Save time, money and resources
  • Create more personalized experience for prospective students
  • Generate insights on the unique needs and intent levels of potential recruits
  • Reach and connect with students conducting their searches online
  • Stand apart from other Universities competing for visitors at in-person recruiting events

"One of my favorite things about this platform is how easy it is to track audience engagement. It’s like being a kid in a candy store."

Martin Lock, Manager - International Student Engagement, TAFE Queensland International Education


With ON24, the team was able to deliver immersive virtual events and webinars that not only emulated the feeling of an in-person experience, but helped the team track the digital body language of every attendee.

They also no longer had to compete with other schools at neighboring event booths. They could affordably create an event space dedicated to demonstrating the value of their University.

“It was like a TV show. This is our own channel and we can create whatever content our audience wants.”

To drive engagement during the event, Martin and his team:

  • Included relevant content offers for students within the experience
  • Provided chat boxes to support real-time, two-way communication with attendees
  • Ran polls and surveys throughout the event

“One of my favorite things about this platform is how easy it is to track audience engagement. It’s like being a kid in a candy store,” said Martin.

With all of the engagement data generated from these events, the team was able to segment their audience, identify top markets and deliver personalised follow-up messaging to students who demonstrated interest throughout the experience.

By integrating ON24 with their Marketing Automation Platform, Marketo, they could automatically populate warm leads into their system, triggering email nurtures and saving valuable time.

The engagement data generated from these events also helped the team identify promising international markets and, with ON24, tapping into those markets was easier than ever.

With ON24 SimuLive, the team could pre-record sessions and run them as live events in various time zones and in different languages.

To make their events cut through the digital noise, the team used ON24 to:

  • Deliver student generated content and peer-led webinars
  • Turn hour-long presentations into smaller bite sized content
  • Ensure every experience was mobile friendly
  • Incorporate social media into every experience


“With ON24, we were able to stay true to our roots but also showcase why we are innovative, progressive and above all, authentic.”

With their new digital recruitment strategy, the team was able to mitigate the decline in enrollment that many competitors faced during the rapid shift to a digital-first world.

In fact, they were able to expand their international reach by 10% using ON24’s SimuLive and auto-translation features to deliver “live” webinars in multiple time zones and languages. This has led to a significant increase in the number of international applicants.

By engaging students and training educational agents virtually, the team has also been able to cut down on travel and resources, saving them 7% in total marketing costs YoY.

But above all, they have established themselves as a modern, student-centric institution that onboards, educates and connects prospective students with right-time, right-place resources tailored to their individual needs.

  • 10% Increased audience reach
  • 7% Saved in marketing costs

"It’s like putting on a TV show. It’s our own channel, and we can create whatever content our audience wants."

Martin Lock, Manager - International Student Engagement, TAFE Queensland International Education

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