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Thomson Reuters Webinar & Summit | ON24 Stories

What do B2B marketers need to know about personalization in the AI era? 🤔We explore in our latest report. Read Now

How Thomson Reuters extended its summit reach by 73% at a fraction of its cost

  • 73%

    Increased reach of its live event at only a fraction of the cost of its live event (17% of the cost on the in-person event)

  • 53%

    Conversion rate driven for its virtual summit

  • 2,000

    Unique content views


Use Cases

  • Event marketing

Number of Employees

  • 10,000+


Thomson Reuters captures, processes and delivers critical information for a variety of industries across the globe. Founded in 2008 after Thomson Corporation’s acquisition of Reuters Group, The Answer Company has quickly become a trusted market leader providing answers to whatever may be asked.


Thomson Reuters, The Answer Company, has a lot of answers to share. So many, in fact, that its annual Risk and Compliance Summit, held in the UK, regularly pulls in 600 plus c-level delegates from the Risk and Compliance Industry primarily based in London.

But Thomson Reuters wanted to provide more answers to more people. This meant The Answer Company had to either organize more impactful, but expensive, live summits elsewhere or find a way to push their summit to attendees online. Either way, the company had to share the success of its live summit to a wider audience.

So, Thomson Reuters set out to find an answer.

The solution it found enabled it to extract more — more interest, a broader audience, a global reach — by making a simple addition to its summit: host a Virtual Summit through ON24.


Thomson Reuters turned to ON24 to deliver the digital summit to extend the reach of their content. Digital attendees would experience the same look, feel and content as the physical Risk and Compliance summit, but without any of the limitations of space, location and time. It even featured everything from Q&A chats with experts and break-out sessions to go deeper into topics. The flexibility ON24 provided soothed a tremendous pain-point for the summit — namely, that the c-level executives constrained to the European Mainland could now attend the summit without having to travel.

By recording its physical event and providing content for virtual attendees, Thomson Reuters realized results it couldn’t achieve with an in-person event alone.


  • Extend the reach of its summits – Thomson Reuters extended the reach of its summit to the rest of Europe — and to more C-level contacts who couldn’t afford the time to travel.
  • Score interest – Powered with ON24 Intelligence, Thomson Reuters scored attendee interest, helping to drive MQLs and pass the insights along to their sales for actionable follow-up.
  • Drive more value from its physical events – Put together, Thomson Reuters’ virtual summit continued to drive success from its physical summit with relatively little work — all while meeting or exceeding attendee expectations with a 90 percent satisfaction rate.
  • Seamless transfer online – Thomson Reuters wanted to maintain its physical event’s aesthetics while keeping the event easy-to-use for any platform.


With ON24, Thomson Reuters drove more engagement with attendees who attended the physical or virtual events — or both — and enjoyed excellent results.

In recognition of the company’s marketing success, the Gramercy Institute honored Thomson Reuters with a Financial Content Marketing Award in the category of Risk and Compliance.

“The summit worked really well for thought leadership and market positioning. It also enabled us to generate new leads, score current leads, and engage with our current customer base.”

Matthew Ashley, Marketing Director, Thomson Reuters

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