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Webinar World TechBytes con Christine Jacobs Pribilski, Vicepresidenta de Marketing de IBM

Visite el artículo de la noticia aquí: https://martechseries.com/mts-insights/tech-bytes/techbytes-christine-jacobs-pribilski-vice-president-marketing-ibm/

Webinar World’18 is almost upon us. On the agenda is the question that is foremost on every marketer’s mind -‘How to put the personal back in marketing,’ – with a focus on how to build context-based campaigns and deliver events that put the customer first and foster authentic engagement between the audience and the brand. In the run-up to the event, we spoke to martech thought leaders speaking at the event. Christine Jacobs Pribilski, Vice President, Marketing, IBM, spoke to us about leveraging webinars to drive ROI.]]>