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G3 Communications | Webinar Marketing | ON24 Stories

What do B2B marketers need to know about personalization in the AI era? 🤔We explore in our latest report. Read Now

How G3 Communications brings new life into sponsored content with on-demand webinars

  • 35%

    Total revenue per brand

  • 15%

    Year-over-year increase in revenue from webinars

  • 54%

    Less cost per lead with on-demand webinars


Use Cases

Number of Employees

  • 0 to 250


G3 Communications is a digital media firm specializing in B2B marketing, custom content creation and demand generation with an expertise in publishing content across both traditional and emerging channels.


G3 Communications is focused on developing custom content for its clients to build thought leadership rapport and ultimately drive leads. In recent years, the way people consume content has changed dramatically, even from a B2B perspective. Traditional marketing tactics, such as email campaigns, don’t engage and drive leads the way they used to.

To help its clients and brand sponsors break through the noise, G3 Communications recognized it had to innovate its own marketing strategy. The company decided to focus on and optimize its top-performing digital channels, and webinars rose to the top. After analyzing results across its diverse group of owned publications, G3 found that always-on webinars and event series had the greatest return on investment.


Whether for its in-house content agency or editorial publications, G3 needed a way to distribute on-demand content for all of its brands, including Demand Gen Report, Channel Marketer Report and Retail Touchpoints, in the most efficient way possible. With a lean team, simplified reporting and user-friendly webinar production were must-haves. This way, G3 could generate a steady flow of high-quality leads for its sponsors at a lower cost.

G3’s sponsors, primarily forward-thinking marketing companies, were also looking to provide more value to their target audiences, engage on a personal level, and cultivate potential customers—not just mine for leads. G3 sought to provide thought leadership, education on key topics, and audience interactivity in order to provide real value to viewers and up-level sponsorship offerings.


G3 decided ongoing webinar campaigns offered the best value for its audiences and sponsors alike. To execute an always-on campaign strategy, G3 turned to the ON24 Platform to deliver live webinars and a centralized resource for on-demand webinar consumption. G3 now works with more than 50 clients simultaneously, sharing different sponsor perspectives on the same theme. Having a persistent online destination for multiple on-demand webinars minimizes one-off promotions for individual pieces of content. Now, the publisher reaches multiple audiences at a time, providing a more cost-effective way for partners to expand their reach.

True to its creative nature, G3 also found many other unique ways to use ON24 webinars to breathe new life into traditionally dry reports or consumer surveys. By using the ON24 screen share feature, presenters showcase interactive content on-screen while simultaneously walking through the content via webcam, making interactive reports and surveys more engaging. This also gives G3 and its sponsors the opportunity to elaborate on reports and open up more in depth discussions on important issues, a much higher quality experience than with more traditional, static content.

Using the ON24 platform to build out webinar series for its various publications, G3 is also able to support sponsors’ mission to provide more value to customers and prospects. These week-long series incorporate up to three themed webinars per day and showcase sponsors and their clients as thought leaders, experts and examples in their spaces, while simultaneously generating thousands of leads for partners.

Finally, G3 leverages the ON24 Engagement Score to deliver specific reports to clients, beyond a standard lead report, for a detailed analysis of each webinar attendee. Combined with G3’s own criteria and measurements, the ON24 Engagement Score lets sponsors know which resources attendees downloaded, how long they viewed a piece of content, and how they interacted with it. Typically, in-depth reports such as these take extensive time and energy to provide, but the ON24 Engagement Score simplifies a majority of the reporting and gives G3 precious time back for content creation while providing sponsors with better insight to more genuinely connect with leads.


With ON24, G3 creates engaging webinar programs that enable their clients to target specific audiences and supplement their pipeline. In fact, ON24 webinars are increasing in attendance year-over-year, netting positive impact in revenue from webinar sponsorship 15 percent year-over-year. And, G3 sees that webinars delivered within a week-long series get even better attendance than those held as a one-off event.

Most importantly, with ON24, G3 accomplishes its ultimate goal of enriching its audiences while driving maximum impact, leads, and revenue for its clients. G3’s webinar program is now the second overall driver of revenue, and represents 35 percent of total sponsorship revenue per brand investment. These gains give G3 and its partner network exponential benefits, decreasing the cost-per-lead by 54 percent. G3 proves that with engaging, data-driven webinar campaigns, everybody—the publisher, audience and brand—wins.

"With ON24, we’ve turned our webcasts into always on resources and a continuous source of new pipeline for our brand sponsors. With greater internal efficiency, better audience engagement and ongoing lead generation, our ondemand strategy takes the ROI of our webinar program through the roof."

Sheri Butts, Marketing Manager

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