Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

LexisNexis | Case Study | ON24

Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

LexisNexis increases revenue by 81% with on-demand digital experiences

  • 81%

    increase in revenue from digital experiences

  • 50%

    increase in database growth thanks to newly adopted on-demand solutions 

Use Cases

Number of Employees

  • 10,000+


LexisNexis is a leading global provider of legal, regulatory and business information and analytics. The company helps its customers increase productivity, improve decision-making and outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world. LexisNexis serves stakeholders in more than 130 countries and has 10,000 employees worldwide.


LexisNexis is a data company that helps its customers better understand their markets, monitor their brands and competition, and mitigate business risk. The organization uses technology to leverage public records and combine them with agency data, creating intelligence and helping solve crimes.

LexisNexis provides actionable insights to government agencies, collaborates with universities to educate students, and partners with leading global stakeholders such as lawyers, helping them to win cases and serve their clients better.

To communicate and engage with stakeholders, and to drive pipeline and revenue, LexisNexis harnesses the power of digital experiences. Recently, the organization enhanced its ON24 digital experiences even further, to elevate its Risk Solutions brand, as well as to drive audience engagement for its regular webinars with on-demand content.


Getting more bandwidth out of digital experiences

LexisNexis wanted to enhance its digital experiences and decided the best way to do that was by using the ON24 platform to its full potential. The company wanted to leverage more ON24 features to keep attendees engaged and active within the platform for longer. 

“We really wanted people to say, ‘They know what they’re doing,” said Julia Dolinsky, Senior Marketing Specialist at LexisNexis.

LexisNexis also wanted to increase its total database size, opening up the number of people it could engage with.  They wanted to optimize their inbound experiences, using digital events and webinars as a source to capture new names.

Finally, LexisNexis wanted its audience to be able to attend digital experiences on their own time, from anywhere—even on their smartphones.

“Using the same content repeatedly for our digital experiences is an easy way for us to generate thousands of leads with less work. ON24 enables us to run the same webinar each month and have it appear live.”

Julia Dolinsky, Senior Marketing Specialist


Branded, on-demand digital experiences accessible on mobile

Since setting out to enhance its digital experiences, LexisNexis has leveraged more ON24 platform features to engage its audience, and streamline its sign-up form to drive more registrations. In addition, the company added a survey engagement tool to gather feedback from attendees and improve upon future webinar offerings. 

Dolinsky has now completed and managed over 150 digital experiences for LexisNexis using the ON24 platform. She and her team have transformed the company’s virtual events and created more interactive field experiences for its audience. This was all possible thanks to ON24 Webcast Elite, ON24 Connect and the ON24 Engagement Hub

LexisNexis now leverages the ON24 platform’s on-demand capabilities for its regular webinars throughout the year. “Using the same content repeatedly for our digital experiences is an easy way for us to generate thousands of leads with less work. ON24 enables us to run the same webinar each month and have it appear live, which has been very helpful,” Dolinsky said.

LexisNexis’ audience can attend digital experiences from anywhere, anytime, thanks to the ON24 platform’s on-demand and mobile experience offerings. “One of the best features ON24 has is the mobile experience,” Dolisnky said.

“People thought they couldn’t attend webinars unless they were at their computer. We really try to promote that you can attend on your phone, especially for our audience, who are always on the go. I love that ON24 created this.”

In addition to using ON24 for ongoing digital experiences throughout the year, LexisNexis uses the solution for larger virtual events as well. The organization was able to enhance its digital experiences in time for the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Conference.

“The conference was a huge success, thanks to ON24. Everything was on-demand, but we were able to promote it like it was live,” Dolinsky said.


Since LexisNexis elevated its webinars and adopted more features of the ON24 platform to enhance the attendee experience, the company has seen an 81% increase in total revenue generated from ON24 events in one year and a 50% increase in database growth (up from 40,000 to 60,000).

“2020 was definitely a different year, and because of that, we were able to hit the ground running and make sure we were generating more leads, and especially more revenue,” Dolinsky said.

In addition, the organization welcomed 3,000 registrants and 1,700 attendees at the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Conference, for a 57% registrant-to-attendee conversion rate (above the company’s goal of 50%). Other changes to LexisNexis’ digital experiences have also proven beneficial.

“Surveys have helped us see which webinars have been successful. We’ve gathered intelligence about which webinar topics people want to learn about,” Dolinsky said. “ON24 is the best platform, in my opinion. It’s not just a video or slides. You can engage with your audience better than any other platform in the game. ON24 just takes it to another level.”

“One of the best features ON24 offers is the mobile experience. We really try to promote that you can attend on your phone, especially for police because they’re always on the go.”

Julia Dolinsky, Senior Marketing Specialist

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