Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

Securly | Case Study | ON24

Tired of the same old webinar? 🥱 Learn how to spice up your webinars with new formats on Sept. 10. Register Now 

Securly improves NPS score by 150% with the power of ON24

  • 400%

    Increase in expansion revenue YOY

  • 97%

    Time savings—300 hours of one-on-one phone calls distilled into 10 hours of best practice webinar collateral

  • 150%

    Growth in Net Promoter Scores for customer success YOY



Use Cases

Number of Employees

  • 0 to 250


Securly develops solutions that keep kids safe and engaged online, at school and at home. From tools that help adults create a kid-friendlier internet to an AI that recognizes signs of bullying and even intuits risks of self-harm, Securly breaks new ground and innovates to meet modern problems head-on.


A growing edtech solution in high demand

Securly is a leader in the K-12 space as the first 100% cloud-based content filter on the market. The company’s product offerings have expanded significantly since its launch in 2013, and today, Securly serves 10,000 schools across the United States.

The company’s growth has increased customer interest and usage across a broader range of products, resulting in a higher demand for content related to product best practices. To drive customer success and revenue, Securly needed to create and deliver seamless digital experiences that would encourage customers to use its products to their fullest potential, drive solid results and develop a strong connection to the brand. The company’s goal was to find an innovative, scalable solution to respond to customers’ needs and cultivate brand advocates who could share their success stories with prospects.


A resource challenge for the customer success team

As a new school year approached, Securly launched a campaign to connect with customers over the summer to ensure their products were configured properly and that they were set up for success heading into the busy fall.

The company reached out to schools one by one over the phone, which meant the customer success team spent up to 90% of their day on the phone every week for several months. While this training approach offered a personal touch, it was time consuming and didn’t address the different learning styles of Securly’s customers.

Securly needed a scalable solution to deliver on the need for best practices training while serving a greater number of schools en masse. The company wanted to retain the personal feel of the training and build engaging, customized learning experiences that would reduce support tickets, increase product adoption with more efficiency and strengthen relationships.

"With ON24, we were able to create a time savings of 97% by distilling a workflow that previously took 300 hours of one-on-one calls into 10 hours’ worth of best practice collateral that’s referenced in multiple places."

Will Patterson, Manager, Customer Advocacy


A creative, engaging training series that maximized resources to scale

After pondering how to overcome the challenge of scale, Securly decided to craft a digital best practices training series to tackle common customer pain points. The company turned to the ON24 platform to create its Summer Training Series—a fun, Stranger Things-themed digital experience.

Securly set the entire series up on a multi-reg page so schools could register for several sessions at once. The page was always accessible through various channels, which gave customers the freedom to engage with the content on their own time and allowed for maximum reach. And Securly’s customer success team received data for every interaction, which provided the insights they needed to help customers become expert users.

With the power of ON24’s simulive functionality, Securly maximized its small team’s time and perfected presentation delivery by pre-recording the trainings and running them live at a later date. In addition, the company harnessed the video capabilities of ON24 to make each 30- to- 60-minute session feel like a two-way conversation, seamlessly walking customers through the best practices via screen share and answering questions. Securly also customized the brand experience and included GIFs to turn the sessions into bingeable content.

Creating this customer-focused digital experience scaled a workflow that previously took 300 hours of one-on-one calls down to 10 hours’ worth of collateral—a time savings of 97% for their customer success team. The simulive webinars provided all the engagement of a live event. Securly could connect with viewers in real-time during the pre-recorded presentations and switch to live mode afterward for further interaction. Once a customer viewed a single live event, many returned for future episodes.


Securly received enthusiastic feedback on its Summer Training Series from both internal and external stakeholders. The creative experience was a huge hit, and kept customers coming back, excited not only to learn product best practices, but to engage in an immersive, interactive experience.

Nearly 20% of customers viewed at least one episode in the 10-part series, saying they enjoyed it and found the learning valuable. As a result, Securly’s Net Promoter Scores for customer success increased by 150% after the training wrapped up, and the company’s year-over-year expansion revenue grew by 400%.

Most importantly, Securly delivered on its customers’ need for best practices information by using the ON24 platform to create a targeted, scalable and creative digital experience that ensured customers were empowered to use Securly’s products to their fullest potential, building brand loyalty and creating raving fans.

"Last year, we grew our customer success team over 220% in less than six months. We’re exploding. With the help of ON24, we’ve increased our expansion revenue by over 400% year-over-year, improved NPS scores and now have amazing logo retention."

Will Patterson, Manager, Customer Advocacy

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